Monday, July 21, 2008


it is 10:10 on a monday night and i'm currently at work. that's is a little late to be at work. my boss called me and asked me if i could come in and stay at the house while her baby and her sister's baby sleep so that she can go hang out with some family that are in from out of town. i didn't come in until a little before 10, so i hope she decides to stay out VERY late b/c that would mean i would get off even earlier on friday. i am definitely not much for working late...UNLESS it means getting to start my weekend earlier.
ok..for the float trip......i think we've decided on going not this weekend but the next (aug 1st-2nd). and we're considering renting a pontoon(?) boat somewhere in bella vista. this was vu and amy's idea..and i think it's a great one. what does everyone else think? i THINK it will be around $80, which would add up to about $15 each, depending on how many people are going. but, i also noticed that a boat permit thing is well as the cost for gas in the boat? vu and amy..maybe you know more about this? or is there some crazy chance that someone already has a boating permit?
ok...thanks for reading!


sonja said...

sounds fun, but i have no idea about any of that boating stuff, who knew renting a boat would be so complicated?

sonja said...

what the heck is up with your phone? everytime i call, it just goes to voicemail. hmmm...

Arato Girl said...

Vu says all we have to do is show our Bella Vista POA card and they'll hand us the keys. He says he doesn't think the gas should be too steep, either. We're up for whatever, but if you decide you want to do the pontoon thing, just say the word and we'll set it up. Meaning Vu will set it up.

Arato Girl said...

And if you're available for lunch tomorrow, let me know. Since we won't be able to meet for movie night I'll miss getting my Jenny fix.

Carrie said...

i wish i could offer some boat advice. it should be a super fun trip :)

Heather said...

Jenny! What's up girl?!

Arato Girl said...

Boating and camping was way, way fun.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous! I want to go boating! Unfortunately, I'm just not yuppy enough :-).

I kid...I kid...

sonja said...

hey i'm on blogger too, just like my lil' sis.

Anonymous said...

Jenny McJennerson!! What's is up. I want to see some pictures from boating/camping. Or hear about some recent adventures.