Tuesday, June 24, 2008

for real this time

Hello world! I'm back in this crazy blogging world...and I'm vowing to keep this one UPDATED!!! Right now, the little guy I'm taking care of is asleep. He has just entered the phase where he takes one short morning nap and one looongg afternoon nap. I'm starting to really love my afternoons. I do have plenty of work to keep me busy, such as laundry, dishes, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning bathrooms, weeding, pretty much any household chore you can think of plus other random things the family asks me to do. However, on days like today, I am putting all of them off to take a much needed break to sit in a quiet house in front of the computer and type.

Yesterday, during the 3 hours of napping, I took a shower and got ready for the evening. I know the family I work for has offered to let me use their shower b/c i have a very strange shower-situation at my apartment. However, I don't think they probably meant for me to use it during work? But, Kourtney was gone to Little Rock and I had worked my little behind off all morning. With Elijah asleep, I didn't see much harm in it. I even considered doing it again today, but I don't want to make a habit out of it. But daaaaamn, it felt good! It's funny how much you appreciate showering when you don't have one of your own.

Last night, I met up with my parents and Bryan in Fayetteville to eat at a place called Lulu's Fish Shack. I don't really recommend that place for its food...but they do have a nice patio area outside. I drank a beer in front of my parents last night. I've had wine in front of them before, but never beer so it was a little strange. It was just a corona...I still don't like a lot of beers, unless they're very light and have some kind of fruit squeezed in them. Before my parents got there, I accidentally knocked over my corona, spilling about half of it onto Bryan and myself. So, although we had both really only had a few sips, we both reeked of alcohol when my parents walked up. I told them what happened, and my mom commented that she did notice the strong alcohol smell when they first came up. I just hope i don't still smell like that today at work since I haven't had a chance to shower!

Justin and Sonja are in Wisconsin...and got to go to the BIGGEST WATERPARK IN THE WORLD(?) the first day they were there....I wanna go! I am still dying to ride some rollercoasters before the end of summer....who's in??

Also, if you haven't heard, we found out that my mom has cancer on her colon. It is concentrated in the one area, which is very good news. And on Tuessday, July 1st, she's meeting with the surgeon to set a day for the surgery, which will probably be later that week. The recovery process sounds like it will be the most difficult part...the first month she is supposed to take it REALLY easy, and it could take up to a year for her to fully recover. Despite all of that, she seems to be in really good spirits and she's trying to enjoy the last little bit of her summer b/f the surgery, which will put a bit of a damper on it for sure. She is a very strong lady. So everyone, please keep her in your prayers...that would be much appreciated! I will try to update on when her surgery will be taking place.

Thanks for listening! Signing out until next time!


Carrie said...

i'm so glad you have a blog- its like old times. :)
you know i don't think i've ever had a beer in front of my parents. that would be weird. i'm sure my dad wouldn't mind but i'm not sure what my mom would say. haha.

i will be thinking about your mom. i love her dearly. she's like my Godmother but since i don't actually have one i don't exactly know. i'll just say she's my self proclaimed Godmother :)

i have a lot of roller coasters if you want to ride some of them i'm down.

Arato Girl said...

I think you should be allowed to take showers in the afternoons. I mean, you're working very hard, and everyone needs a break when the baby is napping. You're not house elf for goodness sakes.

My parents always drink wine so I may not have actually had a beer in front of them. I don't think they'd notice, though. They drink lots of rootbeer, if that counts. Diet.

Vu and I enjoyed the movie tonight. We thought the characters were interesting--in an alarming sort of way--and it actually had a good message and was shockingly devoid of gratuitous sex. I actually really liked the little weirdo tap dancing scene too.

I LOVE roller coasters. The kind that don't knock you around so much you feel your neck is going to snap and the kind that don't slice your feet off, that is.

I will pray that the surgery goes perfectly and that your Mom has a quick recovery. Bravery is just what I would expect from her. She is one wonderful lady.

By the way, as you can see, I can't sleep even though I have to be up E-A-R-L-Y.